
Su Ban Inn #2

In 2019, MBSPF built a new rural medical clinic in Su Ban Inn in the Kalaw area. We are returning to this Taung Yoe village of 1,553 to build a school this year at the request of the villagers and the Myanmar Education Department. Su Ban Inn farmers grow rice for their own use plus they farm potatoes, ginger, peanuts and rape seed. There are 305 students from K-9.


Before we built the new school here this year, Su Ban Inn had 2 school buildings, one built by the government and one by the villagers. The village is growing with a new tar road giving access plus it now has electricity. Ten other villages send students to attend school here and the new 90′ x 30′ school that we built this year was much-needed.


Building Schools In Myanmar

Committed to building schools and providing educational opportunities for the impoverished children of Myanmar.

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