
Pair Yin Taung Clinic

The Kalaw District Head Doctor requested that we build a new clinic in Pair Yin Taung this year. Located about 16 miles east of Kalaw, this village has a population of 1,500 Paoh tribespeople in 170 households. The villagers farm corn, ginger, some rice and rap seed.  The midwife is responsible for eight villages with a total of 3,460 people. She also manages about 80 births each year.


The old 20′ x 15′ clinic building was built in 1998, and has only two rooms. The midwife lives in the building as well as providing medical services there. Given the population size served by this clinic, another building was much needed. We have constructed a new 30′ x 30′ clinic this year along with the help of eager village volunteers. The midwife will continue to live in the old clinic building.


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