
Inn Tae

Inn Tae village is located about 100 miles south of Mandalay, near Meiktila. The villagers make their living farming sesame, beans and onions. It is a large village with 853 households and 529 students in grades K-11.

Inn Tae currently has several school structures. One is an adequate 120’ x 30’ building constructed by the government in 2018 and used for grades 9, 10 and 11. Two other structures were built by the villagers and used for grades 3-8. One of these is incomplete and the other has walls on only half of the building. Grades 1-2 and the kindergarten are in open-air bamboo/palm-leaf buildings.


The need for a new 80′ x 30′ primary school building in this growing village is clear.  The existing school site is 4.6 acres and there is sufficient room to build a new school of this size.


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