
They Phyu Chaung

They Phyu Chaung village, population about 1,300, is a 90 minute drive from Yangon, near Hse Min Gone. The existing school structure for the 120 primary students was a temporary, thatch-roofed shed. We built our first school of 2017, a 30′ x 90′ primary for K-Grade 6 here. We also built a new teachers’ cottage for four teachers.


MBSPF constructed seven new schools and four teachers’ cottages in 2017 in the villages of They Phyu Chaung, Ph Pha, Ye Twin Kaung, Mye Net, Patama Ywa, Wah Bo Yee, and U Min. We also built a rural medical clinic in the village of Myin Htaik.


Building Schools In Myanmar

Committed to building schools and providing educational opportunities for the impoverished children of Myanmar.

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