Our Board of Directors

…believes that education improves lives

MBSPF has a seven member Canadian Board of Directors keenly committed to improving educational conditions in the villages of Myanmar.

Roger Brain

Roger is the founder of MBSPF. He retired as Senior Vice President of Teck Corporation in 2006 and since then has served on the boards of a financial institution and a green energy company. He visited Myanmar for the first time in 2009 and wanted to find a way to help the children. He now visits annually, overseeing the much needed construction and renovation of schools throughout the country, especially in rural areas. He believes the practice of generosity makes us all happier.

Sharon Brain

Sharon is a retired teacher and psychotherapist who now spends her time meditating, painting and travelling. Her trips to Myanmar have opened her heart to the need for schools for Burmese children. She is particularly interested in the education of girls and the empowerment of impoverished communities.

Andrew Stonkus

Andrew is a former senior executive with a major Canadian mining company which required extensive travel throughout the world. In traveling through developing countries, he has seen firsthand the effects that a lack of education has on people’s lives. The opportunity to help provide access to education to children in Myanmar through MBSPF is a critical long-term step in helping their communities to improve health and reduce poverty.

Mike Agg

Mike is a retired senior executive of a Canadian mining company. During a long career, Mike had the opportunity to live and work in many parts of the world. It is very clear that access to education is a great tool for helping to lift people out of poverty, and the work that Myanmar/Burma Schools is doing provides an immediate improvement in that access. Mike and his wife Jane live in Vancouver.

Meg Clarke

Meg recently retired as Program Head of BCIT’s Nonprofit and Fundraising Management Programs, and previously was chief development officer at SFU and the University of Alberta. Meg is an ardent believer in the power of philanthropy and is inspired by the impact of village schools in Myanmar.


Mehran Kiai

Mehran leads a group of privately held companies that actively acquire, develop and manage commercial properties throughout the metropolitan Vancouver area. Previously, he was teaching engineering and held leadership positions in higher education in University and institutes of technology in Western Canada for over 25 years. He shares the conviction that education is the primary means of human empowerment and has supported many humanitarian endeavours in developing countries.

MBSPF Executive Director

Leslie Martin

Leslie is the Executive Director of MBSPF and manages the administration of the charity. She has a background in social anthropology and spent many years performing volunteer work for the Vancouver Waldorf School. She is convinced that building schools for children and increasing the levels of literacy in Myanmar are crucial to the reduction of poverty in the country.

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