February 28, 2023 at 7:17 pm · MBSPF · Comments Off on Duke McElroy
Duke McElroy
We regret to announce the recent passing of Duke McElroy, 82, at his home in Roberts Creek, British Columbia.
In 2006, Duke and Steve Armstrong founded Myanmar Schools Project (MSP), an American charity with the goal of building schools in Myanmar villages. By the end of 2015, MSP had constructed or renovated 45 buildings. Roger Brain joined their efforts starting in 2009 and subsequently founded the Canadian charity MBSPF that carried forward Duke and Steve’s initiative. Now, well over 100 schools have been built and many more upgraded, benefitting more than 10,000 children in rural Myanmar.
Duke was always glad to know that school building continues. He and his wife Sharon’s lifelong practice of generosity was directed toward education as a long-term strategy for improving the life of a community.
When Roger joined Duke and Steve on their trips to Myanmar, he recalls:
“Duke was the the oldest of the group, but his energy was unbounded. Because Duke and I shared a lifelong passion for golf, at least once each trip we would leave Steve to work and search out a course to play…Duke hated the limelight and let his actions do the talking. His generosity practice was a great teaching for me and I will always be grateful for our time together.”